Sunday, March 9, 2014

America Rows Newburgh Graduation - with US Congressman Maloney and NYS Assemblyman Skartados

Newburgh, NY – on March 7, 2014, U.S. Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, who represents New York’s 18th District in the U.S. House of Representatives, and New York State Assemblyman Frank Skartados, representing New York’s 104th District in the New York State Assembly, attended the America Rows Newburgh Water Confidence Graduation Ceremony, at Don Fernando’s Peruvian Restaurant on Broadway in Newburgh, NY, where they each gave out Certificates of Merit to the 35 youth in attendance.  This included the experienced rowers who volunteered as swim instructors and the Student Ambassadors who learned water confidence, as part of the Newburgh Rowing Club’s program to prepare the children for rowing on open water.

   The event was opened with an invocation from Sister Yliana Hernandez, principal of Nora Cronin Presentation Academy, which has a crew team under the auspices of America Rows Newburgh.  The Congressman then took the podium to thunderous applause from the packed house.

   “Newburgh is one of the greatest cities in America,” said Congressman Maloney, “and that’s not just great because General Washington had his headquarters here, not just because it’s in the most beautiful place that I have ever seen, not just because there are beautiful houses and great businesses here, it’s great because of all of you, all of the great people who live here in Newburgh, and have families here and make your lives here.  You all are what make the City of Newburgh one of the greatest cities in America,” said the Congressman, as he was drowned out by the cheering children and family members.

   After the Congressman gave his inspiring speech to a standing ovation, New York State Assemblyman Skartados congratulated the children for their hard work and commitment.  “I am so proud of all of you and so proud to be here tonight,” said the Assemblyman.  The children, who all learn to swim and to row on scholarships made possible by a grant from the Hudson River Improvement Foundation, then each walked up to the podium where they received Certificates of Merit with the official U.S. Congress Stamp, from the Congressman, and a Certificate of Merit with the stamp of the NYS Assembly from Assemblyman Skartados.

   The Congressman then gave Coach Ed Kennedy, Programs Director of the Newburgh Rowing Club, a great surprise:  he presented Coach Kennedy with a Congressional Proclamation, for his decades of dedication to the youth of Newburgh and the sport of rowing in the Hudson Valley.  “This was the surprise of a lifetime,” said Coach Kennedy, “and one of the greatest honors I could imagine, I am so thankful to the Congressman for this Proclamation and for supporting our rowers.  I am so thankful for the continued support of NYS Assemblyman Skartados.  In fact, the Board of the Newburgh Rowing Club recently voted to name a crew shell after Assemblyman Skartados, which will be presented at the Corsairs Cup Awards Dinner on June 5th.”

   “This is the culmination of a dream come true,” said Juliana LoBiondo, Team Mom of the Newburgh Rowing Club and Director of America Rows Newburgh, an official affiliate of America Rows, an inclusion rowing initiative of USRowing, the governing body of the sport of rowing in America.  “We now have our more experienced Student Ambassadors coming back to teach the younger kids to swim and to row, and we have over 50 registered Student Ambassadors, in a combination of learn to swim and learn to row programs.  They are working so hard in the pool, and then they come out two night per week and work hard on indoor rowing machines.  This is all made possible by the HRIF grant, Coach Kennedy, who does all that he does as a volunteer, Coaches Cunningham, Napparano, and Petry, and of course the rowers who gave up rowing practice for 10 Mondays in a row to get in the pool and teach the kids, most notably Nicole Rabe, Anya Sendelbach, and Anthony Solis.”

   “I am so happy tonight,” said Student Ambassador Karla Gunera, “I am so happy my  whole family is here to see me get this award from the Congressman and the Assemblyman.  It makes me want to do even better.”

   For more information on the Newburgh Rowing Club, including the inclusion rowing program, America Rows Newburgh, which is scholarship-based, contact Coach Ed Kennedy at (845) 541-2313 or Team Mom Juliana LoBiondo

Photos by Kerry Kennedy:

Photo 1:  Group shot of Student Ambassadors and others

Photo 2: Back Row (L-R) Mrs. Lo, NYS Assemblyman Skartados, Coach Ed Kennedy, and Congressman Maloney.  Front Row (L-R): Gabriella Ordonez, Katherine Ordonez, and Jorge Solis, and Aidan O'Shea

Photo 3: Anya Seldelbach receiving awards for volunteering as a swim instructor from Congressman Maloney and NYS Assemblyman Skartados

Photo 4: Nicole Rabe, receiving awards for volunteering as a swim instructor from Congressman Maloney and NYS Assemblyman Skartados

Photo 5: Karla Gunera, receiving Certificates of Merit from Congressman Maloney and NYS Assemblyman Skartados

Photo 6: Coach Ed Kennedy, receiving Congressional Proclamation Congressman Maloney 

LoBiondo Law Offices
36 North Plank Road
Newburgh, NY  12550
Tel. (845) 569-7600
Fax (845) 569-7601

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From: Juliana Lobiondo
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 3:02 PM
To: Juliana Lobiondo;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Newburgh, NY - America Rows Newburgh, the Newburgh Rowing Club's inclusion rowing program, which is an affiliate of USRowing, the national body which governs the sport of rowing, will hold a "graduation ceremony" on March 7, 2014 at Don Fernando Peruvian Restaurant, 362 Broadway, Newburgh, NY.

"We are delighted to have so many children, ages 8 - 15, participating in the America Rows Newburgh Program," said America Rows Newburgh Director and NRC Team Mom, Juliana LoBiondo.  "We have been holding our annual 'Water Confidence Clinic' all winter at the Union Avenue Y.  All of the 30-plus kids will graduate from Water Confidence training and many will also pass the USRowing Swim Test, which will allow them to row on open water this Spring, Summer and Fall."

"We at the Newburgh Rowing Club have quietly been teaching kids to swim and row for free for 23 years now," said NRC Programs Director Coach Ed Kennedy.  "It is great to now be able to have this program on such a grand scale, thanks to our older kids who volunteer their time as swim instructors, the support of the parents, the support of USRowing's America Rows, and of course, the grant from the Hudson River Improvement Fund which makes the existence of this program possible."

"When I first came to the Newburgh Rowing Club 3 years ago, no one would say our programs reflected the diversity of the City of Newburgh," said Team Mom LoBiondo.  "However, thanks to Coach Kennedy, the HRIF, and so many volunteers, America Rows Newburgh truly reflects the rainbow that is the City of Newburgh.  We are starting our kids so young that the effects will not be seen for a few years, but look for these kids on national podiums about a decade from now."

"Industry isn't what's going to put Newburgh back on the map," said Coach Kennedy, "it's these very young rowers you see before you right now.  Enjoying the waterfront like these kids are doing is what they did a century ago.  It would be unfortunate for the citizens of Newburgh to lose that enjoyment, when they are just getting it back right now.  There is no public waterfront property left in the City of Newburgh other than the Ward Brothers Memorial Park, where the Newburgh Rowing Club is located.  If the Port of Newburgh goes through in its present plan, there will be no more public access to the waterfront for the average citizen of the City of Newburgh."

The America Rows Newburgh Class of 2014 Graduation is open to the public but space is limited.  Reserve your spot by sending your check for $10.00 per person, made payable to "Newburgh Rowing Club," to Mrs. Lo, c/o LoBiondo Law Offices,36 North Plank Road, Newburgh, NY  12550.  Registered Student Ambassadors attend for free.

IN SPANISH: Únete a nosotros como nuestros embajadores estudiantiles celebran las 8 semanas de Confianza del Agua y la participación en la Clínica Confianza Agua USRowing. Estudiantes Embajadores son GRATIS. Todos los demás son $ 10 pp Limitado a las primeras 50 personas incluyendo niños. Usted puede pagar en la puerta o por correo o entregar su cheque a la Señora Lo, LoBiondo Law Offices, 36 North Plank Rd, Newburgh, NY 12550.

For more information about America Rows Newburgh or the Newburgh Rowing Club, contact Coach Ed Kennedy at (845) 541-2313 or Team Mom Juliana LoBiondo at Juliana@Lo

Photos 1 and 2: Photos of members of America Rows Newburgh rowing on ergometers ("indoor rowing machines")

Photo 3: Photo of America Rows Newburgh members at the Union Avenue Y Water Confidence Clinic

Photo 4: Photo of Class of 2011 Student Ambassadors rowing in crew shells

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